Curriculum Vitae


M.F.A. Metal Arts, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL

Post-Graduate residency, Appalachian Center for Crafts, Tennesse Technological University, Smithville, TN

B.A. Metal Arts, San Diego State University

A.A. Contra Costa Community College

Major Exhibitions

I-5 Exhibition (Traveling Exhibition, SNAG 2024)

Convergence, Bloom and Splash, Donkey Mill Art Center, Holualoa, HI

Adornment, Z-folio Gallery, Monterey, CA     

CreateSpace, Tokyo, Japan

Metal Element of FourCountries, Seoul, Korea

Pathways,The Allure of Jewelry and Metal Art, San Jose, CA, USA

Wrapped-Up Solo Exhibition, Monterey Peninsula College

Imaginations in Metal, Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA

Sea-Tac International Airport, Metal Arts Exhibit, Main Terminal South End, Sea-Tac, WA

Storm Cycle: Hurricane Katrina Exhibit, State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA

Anti-WarMedals Exhibition Tour, Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco; FAD,Barcelona; Thomas Mann Gallery, New Orleans; The Barents Spectacle, Tromso, Festspillene, Norway, Electrum Gallery, London, England

Reliquariesand Offerings, College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA

Traversing- Introspection, Solo Exhibit, Vergette Gallery, Southern Illinois University- Carbondale, Carbondale, IL

California Fine Art Exhibition, Award, Sacramento, CA

California Metal ‘80, regional competition, Long Beach, CA   


Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey, CA, Professor Emeritus

Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA

Appalachian Center for Crafts, Smithville, TN

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Carbondale, IL

Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA

DeYoung Museum Art School, San Francisco, CA

Studio One, Oakland, CA

Walnut Creek Cultural Center, Walnut Creek, CA

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